Friday, February 1, 2008

The Thin Commandments, your one way ticket to death.

These "tips" were found on a Pro-Ana site.

I’ve found this tips in a pro ana site. What do you think about it?

1. WATER…I can’t say it enough…WaterWaterWaterWater Water…Any questions?

2. Three words: Crest White Strips. Here’s the deal. You’re supposed to wear these on your upper and lower teeth for 30 minutes each, 2x a day. And you definitely cannot eat while you’ve got these babies on. You can have up to 2 hours a day of literally not being able to eat! If you put them on about 15 minutes before dinner then you can’t eat dinner with your family and they’ll have to let you eat on your own later. It’s perfect!

3. Ride out the hour. When you start to get hungry, just tell yourself that you’ll wait until the end of the hour to eat anything. That way you’ll have time to think about whether or not you really want those calories, and you’ll also feel really powerful since you’ve proved to yourself that you can go for that time without food.

4. Move around. Bounce your feet, wiggle your fingers, every little calorie counts.

5. Feel your bones. Just wrap your fingers around your wrists or along your collarbone. This will help you realize that you’re making progress and will also deter you from eating because you don’t want to lose those bones, do you?
6. Pick a time every night that you will not eat after. Most people recommend that you not eat after 6 pm, but if your family makes you sit down with them at 6:30 or so, this obviously isn’t practical. So choose a time that works for you.

7. Frequent Pro-Ana websites. Do you think you’ll want to eat after reading trigger-happy quotes and looking at skinny models?

8. Keep your wallet at home. If you don’t have money, you can’t buy food.

9. Exercise before you eat. It will give you more time to think over what you really want to eat, and when you do eat you’ll be more comfortable with it since you just burned some calories.

10. Get your sleep. Not sleeping will slow down your metabolism and will make you more likely to over-eat. 11. Buy clothes one size smaller than what you’re currently wearing. Try on these clothes on to keep yourself on track.

12. Okay, this is a little different than what other pro-ana sites may say. Instead of lowering the temperature while you sleep, raise the temperature. Sleep in sweats and under all of your covers. You’ll sweat and lose water weight…It’s not “real” weight, but you will feel great when you get a look at the scale after getting out of bed.

13. Follow the “Thin Commandments”
If you aren’t thin, you’re ugly.
Being thin is way more important than being healthy.
You must do anything to make yourself look thinner.
Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty.
Thou shall not eat fattening foods without punishing yourself accordingly.
Thou shall always count calories.
The scale is everything.
Losing=Life, Gaining=Death
You must become thin.
Being thin and perfect are signs of true determination.

14. Save the money you would spend on food to buy yourself something that you REALLY want!

15. Focus on what you’re eating for the first few bites. After that it gets pretty boring, don’t you think?

16. Work on your posture. When you sit and stand up straight you look taller AND thinner. You also burn more calories.

17. Leave traces of food that you would have eaten. For example, when I was in high school my mom made me eat breakfast. So I would get up a little earlier, go to the kitchen, make some toast, fix some cereal, and get out a yogurt. Toast the bread (leave the toaster out), put crumbs on the plate, pour some cereal and throw it down the garbage disposal, do the same with the yogurt. If the food isn’t there, your parents will think that you ate it!

18. If you’re in college, schedule classes around meal times. You can’t eat in class, can you?

19. Do something you enjoy instead of eating. Take a bath, play with a pet, read a book, exercise, do whatever works for you.

20. Peppermints supposedly curb your appetite. But be careful with this…Each peppermint has 20 calories.

What makes this even sadder, is that I can understand why many girls to this to themsleves. (Understanding and condoning are two different things, however.) I'm sure we've all heard it before, there is ridiculous amounts of pressure on girls to be 'attractive'. (Though skeletons aren't very pretty to me...) And which girls can say they haven't submitted to that pressure somehow? Shaving your legs, plucking your eyebrows, straightening your hair, doing your nails, make up, the list goes on. I would argue that these things aren't really bad, but they do tie into that need to feel attractive. And hey, who doesn't want to feel attractive? It's a good feeling! It only gets scary when this want (want, not need) to be attractive ends up overriding your need of self preservation.

Too bad there aren't more messages around like this:

(Yes, Mika is a guilty pleasure for me. Shush.)

Or even better yet, a message telling woman to be HEALTHY. I'd post one here, but none come to mind.

Oh. I wonder why.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Feelings through mediation, and jumbled thoughts of a tired girl.

When a person is trying to describe their sadness to another, the person may also become sad. This is something that is called empathy. However, I've always said that there is no way to feel the exact same thing another person is feeling in situations like this. This is because of the mediation that words bring. Every word is derived of a feeling. When you see a tree outside, and the leaves are green, you see and feel the leaves are green. However, when a person tries to describe their emotions to another, we lose some of the intensity of the emotions through words. We lose it through other things, such as body language and eye contact. These are still things that are simply playing off of the core of the feelings.

This brings us to the mediation that words bring through concepts such as love, or understanding. I've been trying to figure out what it means to understand someone, or to understand anything. I have felt that I understand someone before, and I pick the word, "Understand" to that feeling, but how did I decide that word matches up with that feeling? What conditioing brought about that kind of understanding? (See, there it is again.)

And now to prove Gabe's point further that all I talk about is love: The concept of love is something that even more people struggle with, hopefully something we all question at some point. (Like the song is, we should all ask oursevles at least once, "What is love?" ) I'm not even going to attempt to tackle what love is. Though I have my views on it, and while I do believe I could be understood, (Whatever that means) it's an understanding that would develop over time. If I were to ever say I love you, (in any sense of the word. Anyone out there we need more words for the concept of all the different kinds of love? Eskimos have 50 words in their language for snow because it's everywhere. I think our lack of having words for love prove we don't have enough of it in our culture. =( ) I would hope you would understand because we would have built up some sort of previous connection. You would understand what it meant for me, myself, to love another human being but only through the feeling itself. (If that makes any sense. It's 12:20 in the morning. I should probably be sleeping.)

Love, understanding. I believe these feelings are something that are better off not mediated through words. (Not that they shouldn't be debated, that can bring people to a closer understanding.) When I tell someone I love them, it is saying many things at once. (And I mean love in any sense word. A love between a parent and child, a love between friends, lovers, etc.) Many feelings that have no word attached to them. It's a short cut, in a way. There is no possible way for me to convey every feeling I feel for a person when I love them through words, so I just use the short cut and hope they understand. But mostly, I would hope that the word would just help the connection we were were feeling, and would not cause the feeling. The connection of love would already be established, the word love would just help make that connection stronger.

With understanding, is understanding the same as empathy to another person? If I understand your feelings, have I been in simlar place that you've been in before? Do I understand your intentions? Or do I simply understand the feeling that you are feeling right now?

Back to empathy. True understanding (ding) of a feeling is something not that is not felt through words, it is felt through a connection. But at the same time, I see contradictions. Can it be possible to feel the exact same way that another person feels at the same time? Is the feeling truly the same? Can a person simply just know when the feeling is the same?

A lot of these concepts of mediation through words can also used for religon. The core feeling of all religons is essientially the same. Buddism, Taoism, Christainity, Judiasm, Transcendenalism, were all made to come closer to "god." The main character of Life of Pi, Pi, said that there are many pathways one can take to get the top of a mountain. All paths are paths, and none of them have to be the "right" one.

This sums it better than I could:

And just because I like to make fun of my own obsessi--I mean, fascination of what I call the "the philosophy of feelings":

Thursday, January 10, 2008


One of the best points made in Reading the Media was that whether or not we liked a presidential candidate had very little to do with how well they’d do as a president. When I was browsing around bookface today, I found a poll asking if Hillary’s “emotional moment” will help her or hurt her. Most people voted that it would hurt her. This is ridiculous. I am not for Hillary; however, the fact that people are letting a few tears affect their votes is absurd. I don’t care if the tears were fake, real, or get votes. How does that have anything to do with her ability to run a country? Though the event was much more extreme, It’s simlar to when Clinton had an affair in the white house. Yes, it was an awful thing to do, but does it affect how well he can govern a country?

A brave new world in my head.

Yoav - Wake up

"I wake up in the middle of the night
I shiver in a state of fright
And the dream in my head doesn’t fade, it gets clearer instead
In my dream people are slaves, false prophets on the air waves
And every channel, every station, preaches to our separation now

I’m dreaming

I wake up in the middle of the night
I find my dream in the cold half light
A Brave New World in my head
Ruled by monkeys and the living dead
I see power for power, money for money, fame for fames sake
A new religion for the human race

But if all the walls go down tonight
What if all the walls go down tonight
And if all the walls go down tonight
I’d be okay
I would be alright

I wake up in the middle of the night
My senses screaming something’s not right
There’s a shadow on the wall
Doesn’t look like my shadow at all
I wake up in the middle of the night
My senses screaming something’s not right
There’s a shadow in my bed
I’m not alive, but I’m not dead

If the empire falls into the sea
What if it fades away from memory
Eventually, oh eventually, eventually
Everything just fades away

Listen to it here: